
Ferdinandstrasse 2/1/21
1020 Vienna

Company Registration: FN 358833x
Register Court: Regional Court Of Vienna
VAT-ID: ATU 66204467

Managing Director: Mag. Karin Singer-Golliasch, MAS
+43 660 7061429
Our concern: Consulting, training and coaching services.
Competent authorities: Municipality of the City of Vienna as trade authority
Commercial Register Court Vienna
Vienna Chamber of Commerce
All of the photos on this website are protected by copyright.
All rights of usage and exploitation are held by SINGER CC e.U.
Duty to inform according to § 25 Media Act
Labeling according to UGB and ECG
Notes and disclaimer: In view of the technical characteristics of the Internet, no guarantee can be given for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on the Internet. No guarantee is given for the availability or operation of this homepage and its contents. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages, irrespective of their causes, arising from the use or non-availability of the data and information on this website is excluded to the extent permitted by law. The content of this homepage is protected by copyright. The information is intended for personal use only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as disclosure to third parties - even in part or in revised form - without the consent of the respective organization is prohibited. Any integration of individual pages of our website into external frames is prohibited. Insofar as personal designations are only given in the masculine form in the content, they refer to women and men in the same way.
